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Citibank CD Rates
Citibank CDs: Key Features
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Your Guide to CDs
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- Banking
- Certificate of Deposits (CDs)
Citibank offers a variety of CDs, although only one has high rates
Rebecca Safier
Updated June 20, 2024
Fact checked by
Michael Rosenston
Citibank CD Rates
One of the largest banks in the U.S., Citibank offers a variety of deposit accounts, including three types of certificates of deposit (CDs). Its Fixed Rate CD offers a variety of terms, while its Step Up CD and No Penalty CD come with more limited terms.
All of Citibank’s CDs require a minimum deposit of $500. Your annual percentage yield (APY) can vary widely depending on the term you choose. Here are the Citibank CD rates today on various term options.
Citibank's CD rates may vary by location, and the rates listed below may not be available in all ZIP codes. The APYs listed below use NYC ZIP code 10001.
Fixed Rate CD Overview
CD Term | APY |
3 months | 0.05% |
4 months | 0.05% |
5 months | 0.05% |
6 months | 4.65% |
7 months | 0.05% |
8 months | 0.05% |
9 months | 3.75% |
10 months | 0.05% |
11 months | 0.05% |
1 year | 2.00%–3.00% |
13 months | 0.10% |
14 months | 0.10% |
15 months | 4.00% |
18 months | 3.75% |
2 years | 2.00% |
30 months | 0.10% |
3 years | 2.00% |
4 years | 2.00% |
5 years | 2.00% |
Step Up Rate CD Overview
CD Term | Composite APY | Minimum Deposit |
30 months | 0.10% | $500 |
No Penalty CD Overview
CD Term | Composite APY | Minimum Deposit |
12 months | 0.05% | $500 |
See the best CD rates today before choosing the CD that is best for you.
Citibank CDs: Key Features
Fixed Rate CD Key Features
APY Range | 0.05%–4.65% |
Minimum Deposit | $500 |
Term Range | 3–60 months |
Early Withdrawal Penalty | 90 days of simple interest for CDs with a term of 1 year or less 180 days simple interest for CDs with terms longer than 1 year |
Step Up CD Key Features
APY Range | 0.05%–0.15% |
Minimum Deposit | $500 |
Term Range | 30 months |
Early Withdrawal Penalty | 90 days of simple interest for CDs with a term of 1 year or less 180 days simple interest for CDs with terms longer than 1 year |
The Step Up CD has a fixed interest rate that increases over the term. Upon maturity, this CD will renew into a standard Fixed Rate CD.
No Penalty CD Key Features
APY Range | 0.05% |
Minimum Deposit | $500 |
Term Range | 12 months |
Grace Period | 6 days |
Early Withdrawal Penalty | Fee applies only during the first 6 days after deposit |
The No Penalty CD allows you to withdraw your money (and interest) with no fee beginning after the sixth day after you make the minimum deposit. Partial withdrawals are not permitted. You cannot renew a No Penalty CD into another No Penalty CD; when the CD matures, if you allow it to automatically renew it will renew into a standard Fixed Rate CD.
Compare CD Account Rates
Is Citibank a Good Investment for CDs?
Citibank offers competitive APYs that exceed 4.00% for certain terms with its Fixed Rate CDs. However, some of its CD terms come with very low rates, so those wouldn’t offer a particularly good return on your investment.
Some other banks offer APYs that sometimes exceed 5.00%, whereas Citibank’s CD APYs usually don’t get that high. It’s worth shopping around and comparing your options to find the best place for your money—learn more with our picks for the best overall CD rates.
How Do You Get the Best CD Rate With Citibank?
As of publication, Citibank offers its best rate (over 4.00% APY) on certain terms with its Fixed Rate CD. All of Citibank’s CDs require a $500 minimum deposit.
Withdrawing your money from a CD before it matures will usually trigger an early withdrawal penalty. With the exception of its No Penalty CDs, Citibank charges an early withdrawal fee equal to 90 days or 180 days of interest, depending on your term length.
Does Citibank Have a 3-Month CD?
You can choose a three-month term on Citibank’s Fixed Rate CD. This three-month CD comes with a low APY and requires a minimum deposit of $500.
What Is Citibank’s Highest-Paying 12-Month CD?
The highest paying 12-month CD at Citi is the Fixed Rate CD which pays 3.75% for 18 months. There is also a 12-month No-Penalty CD, but its rate is currently very low. The special benefit of the No Penalty CD is that you can withdraw your money early without penalty as long as it’s been at least six days since you made the minimum deposit.
Your Guide to CDs
- What Is a Certificate of Deposit (CD)?
- What Is a Brokered CD?
- What Is a CD Ladder?
- Pros and Cons of CDs
- How to Invest With CDs
- How to Open a CD
- How to Close a CD
- CDs vs. Annuities
- CDs vs. Stocks
- CDs vs. Mutual Funds
- CDs vs. ETFs
- CDs vs. Savings Accounts
- Short-Term vs. Long-Term CDs
- CD Rates News
- Best 1-Year CD Rates
- Best 18-Month CDs
- Best Jumbo CD Rates
- Best 6-Month CD Rates
- Best 3-Month CD Rates
- Best Bank CD Rates
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Citibank. "Certificates of Deposit."
Citibank. "Certificate of Deposit Account Rates."
Citibank. "Client Manual — Consumer Accounts."
Citi. "Certificate of Deposit Account Rates."
Citi. "Certificate of Deposit Account Rates."
Related Terms
What Is a Certificate of Deposit (CD)? Pros and Cons
A certificate of deposit (CD) is a type of savings account offered by banks and credit unions. It pays a fixed interest rate for a set period of time.
Jumbo Certificate of Deposit (CD): What It Is, Pros and Cons
A jumbo certificate of deposit (CD) is a type of savings account with higher balance requirements than a traditional CD. It generally pays a higher interest rate.
CD Ladder: What It Is and How to Build One
A CD ladder is an investing strategy which you buy multiple certificates of deposit (CDs) with different maturity dates. Learn how to build a CD ladder.
Interbank Deposit: What it Means, How it Works
In an interbank deposit, one bank holds funds on behalf of another bank in an arrangement that requires both banks to hold a "due to" account for the other.
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An advanced internal rating-based (AIRB) is a method of managing a financial company's credit risk internally.
Basel III: What It Is, Capital Requirements, and Implementation
Basel III is a set of reform measures intended to improve regulation, supervision, and risk management in the international banking sector.
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