Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (2024)

21. June 2024

Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (1)

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Table of Content

  • Intro
  • About Me
  • Windows Performance Optimization for 3D Artists and Gamers
    • System Protection
    • Power Plan Optimization
    • Managing Startup Programs and Services
    • Optimizing Windows Settings
  • Graphics Optimization for Nvidia Cards


Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (2)

Hey fellow Windows user!

We’ve all faced it: lagging app performance, slow load times, and the overall poor performance of your Windows 10 or Windows 11 system. But worry not! With the right settings and tweaks, you can optimize Nvidia settings and your Windows 10 or Windows 11 setup for gaming. Ensure every crucial app and game performs at its best. This guide provides practical steps and settings to optimize your system’s performance, increase frames per second, and reduce input lag.

Note: This guide has been on my mind for a while, and I finally got around to writing it. Although it’s designed specifically for optimizing Nvidia and Windows 10/11 settings for gaming and 3D artists & 2D artists, the principles can be adapted for any operating system and graphics card. So, if you learn something new here, you can apply these optimization tips to your favorite OS or GPU with a bit of creative adaptation. 😊

About Me

Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (3)

Let me quickly introduce myself. I am Christopher Schiefer. I’ve been using Windows for productivity for over two decades. My journey includes being a programmer, a technical artist, a graphics engineer, a concept artist, and an art director. I hope this guide provides you with the tools and knowledge to push your system closer to its maximum potential.

Windows Performance Optimization for Artists and Gamers

In this guide, we break down the steps into manageable sections: System Protection, Power Plan Optimization, Startup Programs Management, Windows Settings, and General Optimization Tips. By following these steps, you’ll be able to streamline your system, ensuring all your crucial apps and games run smoother and faster with fewer annoying performance hiccups or crashes!

System Protection

To ensure optimal performance it’s crucial to manage your system efficiently. One of the key steps is to create a system restore point and configure system protection. Follow these steps to safeguard your system.

1Open System Properties: Start by opening the System Properties window. You can do this by right-clicking on “This PC” and selecting “Properties” or searching for “System Properties” in the Windows search bar. Navigate to the “System Protection” tab.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (4)
2Select the System Drive: In the System Protection tab, you will see a list of available drives. Ensure your system drive (usually C:) is highlighted and shows “On” under the Protection column.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (5)
3Configure System Protection: Click on the “Configure…” button to adjust settings for the selected drive. This is essential to manage how much disk space is allocated for restore points.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (6)
4Turn on System Protection: In the configuration window, make sure “Turn on system protection” is selected. This enables the system to create and save restore points. Adjust the Max Usage slider to allocate enough space for these restore points.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (7)
5Apply and Confirm: After adjusting the settings, click “Apply” and then “OK” to save the configuration. This step ensures that the settings are active.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (8)
6Create a Restore Point: Back in the System Properties window, click on “Create…” to initiate the creation of a restore point. This is crucial before making any significant changes to your system.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (9)
7Name the Restore Point: Provide a descriptive name for the restore point, such as “Backup Performance Guide”, so you can easily identify it later. Click “Create” to proceed.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (10)
8Restore Point Creation Confirmation: Once the restore point is successfully created, you will see a confirmation message. Click “Close” to finish.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (11)

By following these steps, you have set up a system restore point, which acts as a safety net for your system. This allows you to revert your system to a previous state if any issues arise after making changes or updates.

Before you start please download the windows-performance-guide-files.zip to get the necessary tools for this guide.
It includes:

  • Msi Mode.exe ( turn MSI mode on specific devices)
  • NVcleanstall_1.16.0.exe ( to performan a clean install of nvidia drivers)
  • Nvidia Profile Inspector ( to further tweak Nvidia cards. )
  • windows-performance-guide-cgverse.pow ( custom power plan )
  • cgverse-performance-guide-profile.nip ( Nvidia Profile Inspector profile for optimized settings )

Windows Power Plan Optimization

Let’s continue with the next part of the tutorial, focusing on optimizing the power settings for better performance. Follow these steps to set up an optimized power plan and enhance your system’s performance, increase frames per second, and reduce input lag.

1Open Command Prompt as Administrator: Start by typing “cmd” in the Windows search bar. Right-click on “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator” to open an elevated Command Prompt window.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (12)
2Import Custom Power Plan: In the Command Prompt window, type the command powercfg -import "path_to_file/windows-performance-guide-cgverse.pow" and press Enter. Replace "path_to_file" with the actual path to the power plan file. This command imports a customized power plan that optimizes system performance.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (13)
3Open Power Options: Type “choose a power plan” in the Windows search bar and select the corresponding Control Panel option. This opens the Power Options window where you can manage your power plans.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (14)
4Select the Ultimate Performance Plan: In the Power Options window, scroll down and select the “Ultimate Performance” plan under the available plans. If it’s not visible, expand the hidden plans. This plan provides the highest level of performance for demanding tasks.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (15)
5Download ParkControl: Visit Bitsum’s ParkControl to download the latest ParkControl software. This tool allows you to manage CPU core parking and frequency scaling for further optimization. Click on “Download ParkControl” to get started.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (16)
6Configure ParkControl Settings: Open ParkControl and select the “Ultimate Performance” profile from the drop-down menu. Make sure the profile is set to “Make Active”. Disable parking and scaling for both AC and DC states to ensure your CPU runs at full power. Click “Apply” to save the settings.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (17)

Managing Startup Programs and Services

Continuing with the third part of the tutorial, we will focus on managing startup programs and services to improve system performance using Autoruns.

Startup programs and services can significantly impact your system’s boot time and overall performance. As a gamer or 3D artist, you want to minimize unnecessary background activities to ensure maximum performance for your applications. By managing your startup programs and services effectively, you can significantly reduce your system’s boot time and free up resources for more demanding tasks like 3D rendering and gaming. Always be cautious when disabling items and ensure you only disable non-essential third-party applications to avoid system issues. Here’s how to manage these startup programs and services using Autoruns to optimize your Windows 10 or Windows 11 setup for better gaming and creative work.

1Download Autoruns: Visit the Microsoft Sysinternals website to download the latest Autoruns. This tool provides a comprehensive view of what runs at startup and allows you to disable unwanted programs. Click on “Download Autoruns and Autorunsc” to get the latest version.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (18)
2Run Autoruns as Administrator: After downloading, extract the files and locate Autoruns64.exe or Autoruns.exe. Right-click on the file and select “Run as administrator” to open Autoruns with elevated privileges. This ensures you have the necessary permissions to make changes.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (19)
3Navigate to the Logon Tab:

- In Autoruns, go to the “Logon” tab to view all the applications that start when you log in.

- This includes software and services that may not be necessary for your daily operations.Carefully review the list and uncheck any third-party applications that you don’t need to start automatically.

- Avoid disabling essential system programs and drivers.

- Focus on third-party software that is not crucial for your system’s startup.

Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (20)

Optimizing Windows Settings

This section covers adjusting display settings, enabling GPU scheduling, and managing storage to ensure your system runs smoothly and efficiently.

1Open Display Settings: Type “display” in the Windows search bar and select “Change the resolution of the display” from the results. This opens the Display settings where you can adjust various display parameters.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (21)
2Adjust Resolution and Scaling: In the Display settings, ensure the resolution is set to the recommended value for your monitor. Also, set the scaling to 100% or your preferred value. This ensures the best clarity and performance for your display.Next, “click on Advanced display settings”.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (22)
3Set Refresh Rate to Maximum: Scroll down and click on “Advanced display settings”. In the advanced settings, select the highest available refresh rate for your monitor. Higher refresh rates provide smoother visuals, which are crucial for both gaming and 3D work. Next go to “Graphic settings”.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (23)
4Enable Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling: Return to the main Display settings page and click on “Graphics settings”. Turn on “Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling” to reduce latency and improve performance. This setting leverages your GPU for better handling of graphics tasks.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (24)
5Set Graphics Performance Preferences: In the Graphics settings, you can add specific applications to run at high performance. Click on “Browse” to select your software, then set it to “High performance” using the options menu. This is particularly useful for optimizing Blender and games.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (25)
6Manage Storage with Storage Sense: Open the Windows search bar again, type “storage”, and select “Storage settings”. Turn on “Storage Sense” to automatically free up space by removing unnecessary files. Keeping your storage optimized helps maintain overall system performance.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (26)
7Remove Unused Bluetooth Devices: In the Storage settings, type “Bluetooth” in the search bar and select “Bluetooth and other devices settings”. Here, you can remove any unused Bluetooth devices, which helps free up system resources and can improve performance.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (27)
9Disable Transparency Effects: Search for “color” in the Windows search bar and select “Choose your accent color”. Set the color to “Dark” and turn off “Transparency effects”. This reduces visual distractions and can slightly improve system performance.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (28)
10Disable Unnecessary Startup Apps: Open the Windows search bar, type “startup”, and select “Startup Apps”. Disable any non-essential applications that start with your system. This helps free up resources during boot and improves overall system responsiveness.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (29)
11Uninstall Unneeded Applications: Search for “apps” in the Windows search bar and select “Add or remove programs”. Go through the list of installed applications and uninstall those you do not use. This helps free up storage and reduces background processes.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (30)
12Enable Game Mode: For gamers, enabling Game Mode can optimize your PC for play by prioritizing resources for gaming. Search for “game mode” in the Windows search bar and turn on Game Mode.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (31)
13Disable Xbox Game Bar: If you do not use the Xbox Game Bar, it’s best to disable it to save resources. Search for “game bar” in the Windows search bar and turn off the Xbox Game Bar.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (32)
14Turn Off Animations: To make the system feel more responsive, search for “animations” in the Windows search bar and turn off animations in Windows. This can make switching between applications and navigating the system faster.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (33)
15Disable Sticky Keys and Other Accessibility Options: Go to “Settings” > “Ease of Access” > “Keyboard” and turn off Sticky Keys, Toggle Keys, and Filter Keys. These settings are often not needed and can be accidentally activated, interrupting your workflow.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (34)
16Adjust Privacy Settings: Search for “privacy” in the Windows search bar and select “Privacy settings”. Turn off options that allow Windows to track your app launches, show suggested content, and use your advertising ID. This can reduce background processes and improve privacy.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (35)
17Disable Inking and Typing Personalization: If you do not use inking and typing features, go to “Settings” > “Privacy” > “Inking & typing personalization” and turn off the personalization features. This can reduce unnecessary background data collection.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (36)
19Turn Off Tailored Experiences and View Diagnostic Data: Scroll down in the Diagnostics & feedback settings and turn off “Tailored experiences” and “View diagnostic data”. This reduces the system’s background tasks and data collection.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (37)
20Set Feedback Frequency to Never: In the same Diagnostics & feedback settings, set the “Feedback frequency” to “Never” to stop Windows from asking for feedback. This helps reduce interruptions and potential system load.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (38)
21Optimize Delivery Optimization Settings: Type “delivery optimization” in the search bar and select “Delivery Optimization settings”. Turn off “Allow downloads from other PCs” to prevent your PC from sharing updates with other devices, which can consume bandwidth and system resources. Next click on “Advanced options”Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (39)
22Update Windows and Drivers: Keeping your system and drivers up to date can greatly improve performance and stability. Type “update” in the search bar and select “Check for updates”. Install any available Windows updates. Additionally, check your graphics and other hardware drivers for updates.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (40)

Graphics Optimization for Nvidia Cards

To get the best performance from your Nvidia GPU for Blender, Photoshop and gaming, follow these steps to optimize the graphics settings using tools like NVcleanstall and the Nvidia Control Panel.

Note: Keep your drivers up-to-date and regularly check your settings to maintain peak performance.

1Download NVcleanstall: Visit the NVcleanstall download page and click on the “Download” button to get the latest version of the software.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (41)
2Select Best Driver Version: Launch NVcleanstall and choose “Install best driver for my hardware” to automatically select the most compatible driver. This ensures you’re using the optimal driver for your system.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (42)
3Customize Driver Components: Choose which components to install with your driver. For most users, selecting the Display Driver, PhysX, and HD Audio via HDMI is sufficient. Uncheck unnecessary components to reduce system load.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (43)
4Apply Installation Tweaks: Enable tweaks like “Disable Installer Telemetry & Advertising,” “Perform a Clean Installation,” and “Disable Multiplane Overlay (MPO)” to further optimize your driver installation for performance.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (44)
5Install the Customized Driver: After configuring the settings, click “Install” to start the driver installation process. This installs the driver with your specified optimizations.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (45)
6Run MSI Mode Utility: Download and run the MSI Mode Utility. Right-click the executable and select “Run as administrator.” This tool helps configure your system’s interrupts for better GPU performance.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (46)
7Configure GPU in MSI Mode: In the MSI Mode Utility, set your Nvidia GPU to use MSI (Message Signaled Interrupts) and change the interrupt priority to High. This reduces latency and improves GPU performance.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (47)
8Open Nvidia Control Panel: Right-click on your desktop and select “Nvidia Control Panel” from the context menu to access the Nvidia settings.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (48)
9Adjust Image Settings: In the Nvidia Control Panel, go to “Adjust image settings with preview” and select “Use the advanced 3D image settings” for greater control over performance and quality.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (49)
10Optimize 3D Settings: Under “Manage 3D settings,” copy all settings in the screenshot if available. This includes settings such as anti-aliasing, setting the power management mode to “Prefer maximum performance,” and enabling “Low Latency Mode” for the best performance.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (50)
11Nvidia Profile Inspector Settings: Launch the “Nvidia Profile Inspector.exe,” import the “cgverse-performance-guide-profile.nip,” and click apply. This will load optimized settings. You can further tweak them to your liking, such as adjusting the Texture Filtering LOD bias to force loading lower or higher mip maps.Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (51)

Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (52)

Check out the ultimate blender performance guide to further tune your performance in blender ontop of this windows performance guide. To fully utilize your graphics card.

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Optimize Windows 10/11 + Nvidia for Gaming: Top Performance Settings (2024) (2024)
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